Security & fairness

Security should be a right, not a privilege

Fairness sits at the core of every engaging competition, including traditional sports. With Elympics it’s built-in, not added on-top.

OUR Core

Security in a competitive environment

By designing games with the use of Elympics infrastructure, developers can focus on creating captivating incentives for players by implementing Paid Competitive Gaming mechanisms.

Every competitive game is built upon certain set of rules every participant have to follow in order to gain an advantage and reach the top. That is why ensuring a thriving multiplayer environment where Security and Fairness play key roles is crucial to attracting new players and creating a network effect.


Each game built on Elympics takes advantage of our state-of-the-art security stack.

Server Authority

Each gameplay is hosted with Server Authority approach, for maximum security and low latency.

Verifiable Replay System

Each gameplay run in Elympics Cloud generates a Verifiable Replay that can be later accessed by players and developers.

Deterministic Gameplay

Each gameplay is ensured to be deterministic given the same inputs. This results in fully replayable games.

Input Signature System

Each game input is signed by the player in place. This ensures that inputs are generated solely by players.

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Must-have components

Security-focused architecture ensures unprecedented gameplay safety available to all.

Built using Elympics SDK

Elympics SDK provides industry-standard esports-grade programming environment for games with Server-Authority design. This architecture is the foundation of trustworthy competition, because gameplay authority is moved out of player’s device.

Hosted on Elympics Cloud

Elympics Cloud provides third-party hosting, that ensures the game is run in a secure cloud environment. Elympics automatically provisions gameplay-specific containers with required resources in a serverless cloud.

State-of-the-art encryption

Moving away from client authority, we have to make sure that players are not spoofed or interfered by Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) or other types of attacks.

Per-match key generation

Each gameplay is secured by per-match gameplay keys that are used on top of protocol-specific schemes. This makes sure that application layer is secured from replay attacks (repeating player’s inputs for the entire match), because input signature is derived not only from input value, but also from the tick number for a specific client.

Learning Curve Analysis

Each gameplay outcome is verified for probability of occurring for a certain player, and compared with a learning curve for a particular game. With these models, our anti-fraud system is able to automatically flag cheaters that use external aid in their gameplay (like using chess engines to play chess).

Trusted by Game Dev Community

For the game studios, using Elympics can be a time saver and an efficiency tool, while at the same time, provide a backend that can save certain titles from a PR disaster and can be a base for fair and honest competitive gaming.

Joanna frota Kurkowska

Researcher, G2A

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